Adults at risk
Responding to a report of an adult at risk of abuse and/or neglect
Section 3 part 1
Overview of section
Responding to a report: overview of task and process
Receiving reports in the local authority where the adult is at risk
Information-gathering by the report-taker
Outcomes following a report: initial screening decisions
Duty to make enquiries under Section 126(1) (s.126) of the Social services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014)
Delegation of s126 Social Services and Well-being Act (Wales) 2014 enquiries
Key points for consideration when completing s126 enquiries Social services and Well-being Act (Wales) 2014
Engaging the adult at risk and their family
Gathering and sharing information-sharing as part of s.126 Social services and Well-being Act (Wales) 2014 Enquiries
The initial evaluation
Medical examination and treatment
Outcomes (determinations) of s.126 enquiries Social Services and Well-being Act (Wales) 2014
The strategy discussion/meeting: the purpose
Roles and responsibilities: lead co-ordinator, delegated lead co-ordinator and lead practitioner
Strategy meetings/discussions: key considerations
Outcomes of the strategy discussion/meeting
Managing Difficulties in Gaining Access
Investigations and co-ordinated multi-agency response to concerns
Last updated: February 2021