Recording: s47 information and key decisions
Section 3 part 1
A record should be made of key decisions and information that fully reflects the child protection enquiry process.
Agency records
Records should:
- be contained within specific formats in the relevant electronic system;
- be signed, or the author identified, timed and dated;
- should record contacts with the child including what the child says in the child’s own words;
- follow agency/professional codes of practice in relation to record keeping;
- ensure correct names, addresses and dates of birth;
- be factual and evidence based. For example, draw on observations, the child and /or parent’s own words;
- Include professional opinion but these need to be supported with the evidence or observation on which they are based.
All agencies need to:
- ensure that staff members and professionals are aware of their agency’s standards required for record keeping;
- have a system in place for monitoring recording standards. Health should ensure that within a given location, there is a single set of records for the child;
- ensure clear protocols are in place concerning information databases and in particular the content, process and access to records that are maintained by agencies in respect of individual children.
N.B. Practitioner’s rough notes are evidence of what was written at the time. Therefore, they should not be destroyed when the details are recorded more formally but kept securely in case they are required in any subsequent legal proceedings.
Social services recording
Social services recording should include:
- agency checks;
- content of contact cross-referenced with any specific forms used;
- strategy discussion/meeting notes;
- details of the enquiry;
- body maps (if necessary);
- assessment including identification of risks and how they may be managed;
- whether the child was seen and spoken to, what was said, where, when and who was present;
- other family members involved in the assessment;
- decision making processes;
- outcome/further action planned;
- active offer of advocacy was made/required.
Pointers for Practice: Recording during s47 Enquiries