The professional strategy discussion will always take place with the Police; any other appropriate agencies / partners and employers. As part of this process social services will consider informing Care Inspectorate Wales (CIW), and Healthcare Inspectorate Wales (HIW) and any relevant professional bodies as appropriate. They should be invited to take part in any subsequent strategy meeting / discussion.
The focus of the strategy discussion is as follows:
- Whether the matter meets the threshold for progressing to a formal professional strategy meeting
- Identification of any activities or caring responsibilities for children or adults that the subject of the allegation is involved in outside of their paid employment
- Consideration of interim safeguards whilst further enquiries are made.
- Decision about what information can be shared with the subject of the allegation, the child or adult at risk and their parent/carer.
- Decisions about employer involvement within the process
- Review adequacy of safeguards in place
- Agree any actions to be taken or any further information needed prior to the professional strategy meeting
- Decide whether immediate briefings to senior management are required