Adult protection conference: the rationale
Section 3 part 2
An adult protection conference should be arranged if the outcome of the s126 enquiries and strategy meeting/discussion, is:
- that the adult remains at risk and requires longer-term action to protect them from abuse and neglect (this is determination 3) and/or
- the investigation process into the case has concluded.
It is crucial that the adult at risk, dependent on mental capacity to make best interest decisions at a particular time, is in control of decisions as to how the risks they face in relation to abuse and neglect are managed.
This is most likely to be achieved if:
- the adult at risk experiences the safeguarding process as empowering and supportive;
- any actions reflect the nature and seriousness of the risk of harm;
- the individual is supported to achieve their desired outcomes.
It is essential that adults at risk are offered and supported by an independent advocate throughout the process if required.
When making the decision to hold an adult protection conference, practitioners should draw on the following:
- the views and desired outcomes of the adult at risk;
- the views of the advocate or representative and their specialised knowledge;
- relevant information obtained from records, the adult at risk, family and carers;
- relevant information obtained during the s126 enquiry;
- outcome of part 3 assessments;
- outcome of any formal criminal or non-criminal investigations.
(See Section 3 part 1 the strategy meeting/discussion)
The adult protection conference is a case specific, multi-agency meeting with the individual adult at risk and their advocate.
An adult protection conference will normally take place when:
- a multi-agency perspective is required to review the findings of the investigation and s126 enquiries;
- a large-scale enquiry has been undertaken, for example, in cases of organised abuse;
- actions may be required in relation to safeguarding concerns/allegations against a practitioner ‘person in a position of trust’;
- the investigation and/or s126 enquiries are complex.
An adult protection conference should, in all cases, follow an investigation into the abuse, unless it is the expressed wish of the adult that they do not require a conference.
The aims
The aims are:
- to share and discuss the outcome of the s126 enquiries and any investigations;
- provide feedback and evaluation of all the evidence of abuse and/or neglect that has occurred;
- assess on-going risk of abuse and/or neglect;
- produce or revise a care and support protection plan to meet any ongoing care, support and protection needs;
- identify and agree any further actions required to protect the adult at risk;
- consider actions to be taken against the perpetrator;
- consider necessary regulatory, legal or statutory action;
- establish whether the adult at risk is satisfied with the outcome of the investigation.
Pointers for Practice: From Duty to Report to Adult Protection Conference
Pointers for Practice: Risk Assessment Tools
Pointers for Practice: Risk Assessment and a Person-Centred Approach
Pointers for Practice: Care and Support or Care and Support, Protection Needs?