It is important that the adult at risk’s attendance and participation is facilitated in line with their specific needs. A conference should support and as much as possible be steered by the adult at risk
It is essential that adults at risk are offered and supported by an independent advocate throughout the process.
Their views should be considered as to:
It is important that practitioners recognise that attendance at conference alone is not participation.
When the adult at risk is present at the conference it may be difficult for them to express their feelings/views. The chair needs to ensure ways are identified to support them in doing this effectively.
Wherever possible the adult at risk should be involved in and assisted to participate in the conference and provide a steer for the development of the care and support protection plan. The adult at risk has the right to refuse to participate, and may also advise that no conference should take place. In such situations an outcome report and covering correspondence should be made available to them. In order to facilitate participation in the conference process the role of the conference chair and practitioner are critical.
The following should be considered:
If the adult at risk does not have capacity a best interest decision needs to be made as to who should represent their interests and provide feedback to the adult at risk.
If the adult at risk does not wish to attend the conference, they should:
The meeting should decide and record:
Pointers for Practice: Preparing Adults at Risk for Safeguarding Meetings
Pointers for Practice: Engaging the Adult at risk on Completion of The Safeguarding Process
Family members should only be invited at the express wish of the adult at risk.
If the adult at risk does not have capacity to make that decision, it may be made in their best interests, or with the consent of an attorney or deputy.
The person alleged to have caused harm will not ordinarily be invited to attend the meeting. Any decision to do so should be made on a case by case basis and with the agreement of the adult at risk.
If the meeting decides there are actions to be taken regarding this person, it must also decide who will inform them of this and the reasons this decision has been taken. If the person alleged to have caused harm is a professional or volunteer, the employer will do this.