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Moves by children on the child protection register

Section 4

Any agency/practitioner who become aware that a family with a child who is subject to child protection registration moves into or out of an area, must notify all agencies involved as well as the custodian of the register.

Where a family moves out of the area

When it becomes known that a family who has a child who is subject to child protection registration has moved, is planning to move, either permanently or temporarily out of a local authority area, this information must be shared immediately with the care and support protection plan co-ordinator (social worker) and the relevant team manager.

The originating area team manager/social worker must ensure that this information is shared with the local authority where the family are moving into, using the agreed referral process.

Written information must be sent to the receiving authority within three days of any notification. This should include:

  • up to date chronology;
  • most recent well-being assessment;
  • relevant child protection conference records/minutes;
  • most recent care and support protection plan;
  • any Public Law Outline PLO plan, if not included in the above.

The custodian of the register from the receiving authority must also be informed at this stage.

It is the responsibility of the originating authority to request a transfer in conference if this is a permanent move and/or the family are to remain in the area for a period of longer than 12 weeks.

Where a child on the child protection register moves out of area temporarily

If it is determined that the move is of a temporary nature it is important that the arrangements for supervision of the child are agreed between the team manager in the receiving and originating authority.

All core group members should be informed of the temporary address and likely duration of stay out of area.

These arrangements should include:

  • who will undertake the child protection monitoring visits;
  • frequency of monitoring visits;
  • where concerns from other professionals should be directed;
  • who arranges and chairs core groups;
  • how information will be shared and who information will be shared with.

The ‘transfer in’ child protection conference for a child on the register moving permanently

When it is established that a child is to remain at the address out of the local authority area on a permanent basis, a ‘transfer in’ child protection conference will be arranged, by the receiving authority.

This should be held within 15 working days of the notification and agreement that this has become a permanent move for the child.

The relevant practitioners from both areas must attend including:

  • the care and support protection plan coordinator (social worker) from the originating authority;
  • relevant members of the core group from the originating authority who must also provide a written report.

Following the conference, case responsibility will transfer to the receiving authority.

Should a decision be made to register the child/children the receiving authority will immediately identify a care and support protection plan coordinator (social worker).


Disputes between authorities in relation to who has case responsibility should not deter from ensuring that appropriate safeguards and protection planning is appropriate and managing risks for the child.

The safety and well-being of the child remains paramount and should not be forgotten when issues of who has case responsibility arises.

Team managers must ensure appropriate communication and where necessary escalate to senior managers when issues arise relating to moves of children subject to registration.